Our training courses are interactive. We make use of various assignments that you will work out on the spot or between the different modules. Individually or in groups. With a VR headset and 360° video, we will immerse you as a participant in lifelike practical situations. In digital role plays you will experience what it means to be confronted with integrity issues and dilemmas and how to deal with them. In addition, we work with group discussions and videos to allow you to optimally experience what a lack of integrity can result in.
These makes that people feel that they have been part of a real situation which creates a deep learning effect and also provides the basis for follow up discussions where participants exchange with each other on what they have just experienced.

In virtual reality, you are fully immersed and therefore totally focused on the scenario without being distracted and you immediately feel part of the situation.
As a result, you react in a natural way to the situations shown. You learn to recognize dilemmas, you get emotionally involved and experience how you can react under pressure. You will have to make the right choices that require acting with integrity. Something that often is less simple than it appears to be.
Each participant individually will go through the same scenarios and will be confronted with the same choices and this will form an interesting starting point for the follow up programme with short introductions, work assignments and group discussions. What choices have been made, why and what other options exist? How can you discuss integrity and related issues in a constructive manner? You learn to create better conditions for a safe working environment and how you can use it to set an example for other organizations.
More info check: our training courses
Because the VR modules can also be used separately from the training programme, it is possible to introduce many more people to how the organization deals with the theme of integrity through the virtual reality cases. Going through the VR scenarios can be done flexibly, at any time of the day and at any location: at the workplace or even at home. Clear reports and analyzes provide direct insight into the answers and choices of these employees, and integrity issues become visible and measurable. Integrity can be discussed between colleagues.